
Cardinal Leon Josef Suenens

Born in Belgium in 1904, Cardinal Suenens was ordained as a priest in 1927.  He served as Archbishop of Malines-Brussels (1961-1979) and was made a Cardinal in 1962. Sharing the vision of Pope John XXIII for renewal in the Church, he was one of four Moderators of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), greatly influencing its agenda. Cardinal Suenens embraced charismatic renewal, recognising the Holy Spirit’s work in all streams of the Church. Over the years he made untiring efforts to demonstrate unity among Christians. He died in 1996.

David du Plessis

Born in 1908 in South Africa, David du Plessis was a Pentecostal preacher who went on to play a significant role in worldwide charismatic renewal. Nicknamed “Mr Pentecost”, he brought the experience of baptism in the Holy Spirit into the historic denominations, particularly the Roman Catholic Church. This was the fulfilment of a prophetic word which had been spoken over him in 1936 by Smith Wigglesworth. With a heart for unity in the Body of Christ, David du Plessis developed a friendship with Pope John XXIII and Cardinal Suenens, and represented the Pentecostal Church at the Second Vatican Council. He died in 1987.